Thinking of switching to vaping? Here is what leading international experts and public health organisations say, based on the latest available evidence.
‘E-cigarettes were more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy’ and ‘provided greater satisfaction and were rated as more helpful to refrain from smoking than nicotine replacement products’.
‘Although not risk-free, e-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking – at least 95%, with the risk of cancer calculated to be less than 1%’.
Public Health England. Key questions and findings from our e-cigarette evidence update. 2018
‘There is conclusive evidence that completely substituting e-cigarettes for combustible tobacco cigarettes reduces users’ exposure to numerous toxicants and carcinogens present in combustible tobacco cigarettes’.
‘the hazard to health arising from long-term vapour inhalation … is unlikely to exceed 5% of the harm from smoking tobacco’ Nicotine without smoke – Tobacco harm reduction.
Nicotine Without Smoke – Tobacco Harm Reduction. UK Royal College of Physicians 2016
‘If every currently addicted adult smoker switched completely to e-cigarettes it would provide a tremendous public health gain’.
Director of US Food and Drug Administration, Dr Scott Gottlieb 2019
‘No. There’s no good evidence that e-cigarettes could cause the lung condition called popcorn lung. There’s been no cases of popcorn lung reported in people who use e-cigarettes.’
‘Use of nicotine alone, in the doses used by smokers, represents little if any hazard to the user’ p.125 It is ‘the tobacco smoke that is responsible for almost all of the harm caused by smoking’.
Nicotine Without Smoke – Tobacco Harm Reduction. UK Royal College of Physicians 2016. p.8
‘To date, there have been no identified health risks of passive vaping to bystanders’.
Public Health England. Evidence review of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. 2018 p.162
‘The comparative cost saving for a 20 cigarette-a-day smoker…is over $9,000 per year. So vaping can be about 90% less expensive than smoking’.